DRIFTEDis off and running in the film festival circuit! So far the film has been submitted to five festivals in and around the Chicago area, but we would love to go above and beyond to other states and even internationally. Each festival has a minimum entry fee of at least $25-$50 dollars. You can only imagine how quickly this will add up, so the production team is asking for your help by creating a Go Fund Me – DRIFTED donation page. Even $5 dollars can go along way in helping our cause, so check out the link, watch the trailer, and help some indie filmmakers show their work to the world.
Tickets for EMERGENCY OPERATION are now on sale! HERE you can find all the information for performance dates and ticket reservations for the month of June.
In case you cannot make it to a performance but still would like to see the play be the best it can be, we also have an Indie GoGo Page! Here you can make a donation to help get props, costumes, and all those other tid-bits that go into creating a magnificent performance. Thanks for all your support!