January 2020
Check out Colleen's new COMEDY REEL. Check out Colleen's new DRAMA REEL. You can now watch ONE-ARMED RABBIT on Amazon Prime!
Check out Colleen's new COMEDY REEL. Check out Colleen's new DRAMA REEL. You can now watch ONE-ARMED RABBIT on Amazon Prime!
Episode 1 of CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF is LIVE! /p> Tune in Thursday, Dec. 19th! CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF Starting FRIDAY THE 13TH, for 1 week only, you’ll have your chance to watch One-Armed Rabbit on the InterWeb! That’s right, our little thriller... err, horror-comedy... uhhh, whatever the hell it is... has wrapped on its festival run and we [...]
One-Armed Rabbit will be making its INTERNATIONAL DEBUT as part of the Midnight Shorts Vol. VIII screening in the Zubroffka Short Film Festival in Poland. Production has begun on Colleen and Rachel Christensen's new webseries Conversations With Myself. This one's gonna be a hoot! Colleen [...]
All 3 of CEM Productions' projects, (One-Armed Rabbit, Gertie & Dolly, and KARL) are Official Selections of the Twin Falls Sandwiches Film Festival in Twin Falls, Idaho. If you're in the area, come meet and greet with Colleen on November 1st and 2nd, and see some great films!
One-Armed Rabbit cleaned up at the Summer 2019 STORMY WEATHER HORROR FEST taking away 3 nominations. Congratulations to everyone involved in making this little flick. Butt Boy's world premiere is this month at Fantastic Fest and it will be having it's International premiere in October at Monster Fest in Australia with Fangoria. Check out this [...]